Dynamic Transaction Queuing System using PHP/MySQL with Source Code
Project: Dynamic Transaction Queuing System using PHP/MySQL
The Dynamic Transaction Queuing System is a simple PHP/MySQL project that helps to queue clients without a line in front of the transaction window or desk such as in the Payment window or desk of a certain company. This project will display the serving queue for each transaction type stored in the system. Talking about why this project is a Dynamic Transaction System, from the said feature that displaying the serving queue of each transaction type, which means that the system admin can easily add or manage the list of the transaction types of their company caters that needed a queuing system. In this feature, the admin does not need to duplicate the application for the other transaction queuing system. The company should provide at least one monitor for each display of a queuing system for the clients, in that case, the Transaction Type 1 display monitor is different from the Transaction Type 2 display monitor.
In this queuing system, in order for clients to be queued for his/her transaction window or desk, the company should provide also at least 1 computer unit for the clients to register their name and get a queue number. For this feature in this system, since the transaction types are dynamics, no need to provide a unit in each transaction type. The clients can simply enter their name and select their type of transaction then save it and the system will generate a printable queuing number, which is needed also to be provided and the best example printer for this system is the Receipt Printer.
The serving queue display in this project is separated into a 2 panel, which is the left panel and right panel of the display. For the Left Panel, this is the area of the display where the serving queue is being displayed, which is displays the queue number, client name entered, and transaction window. And for the Right Panel, this the area where the slide show for uploaded files such as the advertisement of the company either an image banner or a short clip video, and this display is also dynamic and can be managed by the system admin.
- Login Page
- The page where the staff and system admin will enter their system credential to access the system.
- Home Page
- The page where the admin and staff will be redirected by default after logging in. And for the staff, This where their queue controls are being shown and managed.
- Transaction List Page
- The page where the admin manages the list of transaction types.
- Window Page
- The page where all windows of each transaction are listed and can be managed only by the admin.
- Uploads Page
- The page where the admin uploads their banner images or advertisement videos to be displayed in the serving display of the queuing system.
- Users Page
- The page where the admin manages the list of system users.
- Default Page
- The page where the link of each transaction display are listed and also the link of the queue registration is being shown.
- Queue Registration Page
- The page where can clients register there name to get a queue number for his/her transaction.
- Serving Queue Display Page
- The page where the serving queue number is being displayed
How to Run
- Download the source code and extract the zip file.
- Download or set up any local web server that runs PHP script.
- Open the web-server database and create a new database name it social_db.
- Import the SQL file located in the database folder of the source code.
- Copy and paste the source code to the location where your local web server accessing your local projects. Example for XAMPP('C:\xampp\htdocs')
- Open a web browser and browse the project. E.g [http://localhost/dynamic-transaction-queuing-system] for the default page, and [http://localhost/dynamic-transaction-queuing-system/admin] for admin and staff page
Default Admin Access
I hope this project helps you with what you are looking for. Feel free to download and modify the source code in the way you wanted.
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