Web Page

Easter date and 12 Months Calendar for any year in PHP

Calendar The files within the calendar zip file comprise a simple PHP program to allow you to generate a calendar for any year as a web page and to print it out on one page of A4 size paper. It also calculates the date of Easter Sunday. You can set the year by tagging it on as a parameter to the end of the URL like this: http://localhost/calendar/calendar.php?year=1912 If you don’t tag on the year

Basic HTML/CSS Web Page Part 1 - HTML

Introduction: This tutorial is going to be the first of two basic parts on how to create a basic web page with the essential components using pure HTML and CSS. The Structure: Our web page is going to consist of a header covering the full width of content at the top of the page, a body section covering most of the wide from header to fairly far down the page, a side bar containing widgets on the right hand side of the page - next to the main body section of the page, and a foot covering the same width (and probably height) as the header section; underneath ou