Registration Page

Bootstrap Wizard Registration using PHP/MySQL

In this tutorial, we are going to learn on Bootstrap Wizard Registration using PHP/MySQL. These form field in registration is separated into a group. We have three steps to complete the registration. And a user can navigate using our previous and next button at every step. Wizard Registration - HTML This source code displays all three steps.

How to Create Secure Registration Page in PHP/MySQL Part II

mysqli extension works differently compared to mysql extension. The 'i' stands for improved. Which means that it has some features that cannot be found in mysql extension. There are two approach in using mysqli extension. They are Object Oriented style and Procedural style. If you are migrating your old PHP file to mysqli extension, I prefer you use the procedural style. It's very easy to convert it to mysqli this way. Looking at the example in our previous tutorial.

Creating a Registration Page Part I

In this tutorial, I will show you how create our Registration Page using Bootstrap framework. The Registration form together with the Login form will welcome you when you access the site. And it will require the new member to register on the site, so that they can login and to have access to the site. First, create a PHP file named “index.php”, save it inside “philsocial” folder. And this PHP file is composed of different parts. For the first part, add the following code: This part of the code, will handle the declaration of your HTML document before the tag.