Methods and Constructors

Introduction: Welcome, this tutorial will teach you about Constructors and Methods in Java. What is a 'Method'? A method is a block of script which performs for a purpose. The use of methods is to avoid re-writing the same scripts over and over again because instead, you are able to use the same method every time you need to run that particular script. Methods normally return a value once ran but can run without returning anything. Methods can be custom created by the programmer or they can be built in to Java... for example; the Get function to retrieve a value from an index within an Array. What is a 'Constructor'? Constructors are very similar to methods but each class can only have one. The constructor must be the name of the class and has no type so it can not return any values. The constructor is the first thing that is ran once a new class is called. Method Example: Here is a custom method I have created which is ran from the Constructor when the class is ran from the main void which is the first method ran once a Java Application opens...
  1. public class Main {
  2.         public static void main(String args[]) {
  3.                 new Main();
  4.         }
  5.         public Main() {
  6.                 customMethod();
  7.         }
  8.         private static void customMethod(){
  9.                 System.out.println("Testing output.");         
  10.         }
  11. }


Great job keep it up

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