Reverse A String Version 1.0

Hi there about this code I called it Reverse A String Version 1.0 written entirely in Visual Basic. This code will accept a string then it will reverse it backwards. Very simple yet it shows how to manipulate strings in Visual Basic. If you find my work useful send me an email at [email protected]. People here in the Philippines who wish to contact me can reach me in my mobile phone numbers

Students Records System Version 1.0

Hi there about this code I called it Students Records System Version 1.0 written entirely in MS Access. This code is very useful in school it can be use to store, process the information of students like student information file, grades and other relevant informations for the students. It contains useful codes like password validation, report generation and data storage and navigation. Great code

Raw Materials Inventory System Version 1.0

Hi there about this code I called it Raw Materials Inventory System Version 1.0 written entirely in Visual Basic 6.0. This code is very useful if you have a business like a fast food chain or a restaurant to track down the in and outs of raw materials in your business. It is a good code for beginners in database programming in Visual Basic. If you find my work useful send me an email at

Calendar Version 1.0

Hi there about this code I called it Calendar Version 1.0 written entirely in Visual Basic 6.0. This code will display the calendar on the screen what is unique about this code it does not uses any third party controls or codes to check the present date in your computer. If you find my work useful send me an email at [email protected]. People here in the Philippines who wish to contact me

Loan Calculator Version 1.0

Hi there about this code I called it Loan Calculator Version 1.0 written entirely in Visual Basic 6.0. This code will show how to compute the interest rate of a certain loan it is very beneficial to anyone who is working in a lending institution or in a bank. If you find my work useful send me an email at [email protected]. People here in the Philippines who wish to contact me can reach me

Convenient Store Inventory System Version 1.0

Hi there about this code I called it Convenient Store Inventory System Version 1.0 written entirely in Visual Basic 6.0 by my students in our programming class. I upload this code to share the knowledge and skills of my students in database programming using Visual Basic and MS Access. If you find my work useful enough please send me an email so that I know at [email protected]. People here