Load Data in Datagridview Obejct Oriented using Oledbconenction

This is a Short and effective sample for you ,If you want to use Datagridview and Load data from database you might use this.This is an Object Oriented Program hope this will helps you guys enjoy! It also change the Row color. Sorry for late posting ^_^ "Very Busy in my Office works!" God Bless!Love your Work! "Human Kowledge belongs to the WORLD but WISDOM belongs to GOD!" NOTE:This Program was

ExamDiff – Free Visual Tools for Comparing Two Files

In my previous blog I discuss the benefits of using TortoiseSVN - Source Control Software to backup your source code. If you are not using TortoiseSVN, I would like to recommend ExamDiff as an alternative in comparing two different version of your files or source code. Take note that this kind of tools is part of TortoiseSVN and you do not need to use ExamDiff for differentiating two files


Public Function ReadIniValue(INIpath As String, KEY As String, Variable As String) As String Dim NF As Integer Dim temp As String Dim LcaseTemp As String Dim ReadyToRead As Boolean AssignVariables: NF = FreeFile ReadIniValue = "" KEY = "[" & LCase$(KEY) & "]" Variable = LCase$(Variable) EnsureFileExists: