Tic Tac Toe Version 1.0

Submitted by jakerpomperada on
Hello everyone this is my first time to submit a game code in C/C++ it is a simple Tic Tac Toe Version 1.0 program. The code is quiet complex for a beginner in C/C++ programming because it has many conditions it is a good experience if you are planning to learn artificial intelligence programming using C/C++ as your language. If you find this code useful send me an email at jakerpomperada@yahoo

Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Denaminator Solver Version 1.0

Submitted by jakerpomperada on
Hello everyone this is my new code in Java that I called it Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Denominator Solver Version 1. The code is quiet complex because it deals with pure mathematical computation but it is easy to adapt one you understand the flow of the program. In mathematics, the greatest common divisor (gcd), sometimes known as the greatest common factor (gcf) or highest common


Submitted by monier_michel on
Here's just another Hanoï game, fully written with vb6. Challenge yourself and your friends with up to 14 levels. The program is multilingual (English, French, Malagasy). Help is provided for those who don't understand yet the Hanoï game.

Lending System

Submitted by admin on
This code will teach you on how to populate the subform using the criteria on the parent form with a click of a mouse. It will automatically compute the interest rate of a particular loan based on the number of term specified. Good for beginners to learn Microsoft Access database programming.

Control Remote Computer

Submitted by admin on
How to use the program: The program has 2 files to run a client/server. The server resides on the victim's computer and the client connects to the server program. You do not have to worry about running the server program as it will not do anything unless it receives command from the client program. Once the server ready to accept connection it will listen on the port 40131. To connect to the