School Management System

School Management System Description :- This School Management System build using VB.Net in Visual Studio 2012. This system contains Student management, Staff management, Exam management, User management, Class management, Subject management, Fees management, Accounts and Payment. Prerequisites :- .NET Framework 4.5 SAP Crystal Report Runtime 2015. Microsoft Office 2013 AccessDatabaseEngine Key Features :- 1. Student : Add Student Student Details Update Student Details Print Student Details 2. Class : Add Class Class Details Print Class Details 3. Staff : Add Staff Member Staff Details Print Staff Details 4. Exam : Add Exam Add Exam Marks Exam Details All Exam Details Student Wise Exam Details Print Exam Details, All Exam Details, Student Wise Details 5. Fees : Add Fees Fees Details Collect Fees Fees Collection Details Print Fees Details, Fees Collection Receipt 6. Subject : Add Subject Subject Details Print Subject Details 7. Account : New Transaction Transaction Details All Transaction Details Account Summery Print Account Summery, Transaction Details, All Transaction Details 8. User: Add User User Details Update User Details Delete User 9. Payment : Add Payment Payment Details All Payments Details Print Payment Details, All Payments Details Can be customize for Student attendance using this software or by using android app. Download the software project using following link : Software develop by : Coding Visions Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Contact : [email protected] [email protected]

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iam a student from Zimbabwe can you please help me the actual sourcecode this one has a lot of errors thank you ([email protected])

Please can you send me the complete source code. [email protected]

Please can you help me with the complete project on school management system using 2012

I am a student from Pakistan. Would you like to help me by sending Actual Source code. This one has a lot of errors thank you ([email protected])

Please send the complete source code i want to use it for a project. Thank you

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