PHP - Generate Random Strings

In this tutorial we will create a Generate Random Strings using PHP. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. It is a lean and consistent way to access databases. This means developers can write portable code much easier. It is mostly used by a newly coders for its user friendly environment. So Let's do the coding...

Getting started:

First you have to download & install XAMPP or any local server that run PHP scripts. Here's the link for XAMPP server Lastly, this is the link for the bootstrap that i used for the layout design

Creating The Interface

This is where we will create a simple form for our application. To create the forms simply copy and write it into your text editor, then save it as index.php.

PHP - Generate Random Strings

Creating the Main Function

This is the main function of the application. This code will display a randomly generate strings when click. To do that copy and write inside the text editor, then save it as generate.php.


'; } ?>
There you have it we successfully created Generate Random Strings using PHP. I hope that this simple tutorial help you to what you are looking for. For more updates and tutorials just kindly visit this site. Enjoy Coding!

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