source code

Number Guessing Game in Android

In this game, you’re going to guess the number generated by the computer. What you’re going to learn on this game as an Android developer? You will learn how to use Random() function to generate a random number when the app starts. You’ll also learn how to use If Statements to determine if the number that the gamer guess is lower or higher than the generated number. This is totally for the beginner. Play around with the code and make any changes as you wish. Happy coding! Note: I just learned the code from the course "

PHP Online Examination Easy and Simple

This is a simple Online Examination created using PHP to serve as an example for those who wants to learn PHP. Try this yourself and learn some new codes. For Xampp, put the extracted folder inside xampp>>htdocs For Wamp, copy and paste the extracted folder inside wamp>>www Import database on localhost/phpmyadmin password: admin username: admin Go, Keep Coding!

Advanced Login module VB.NET & SQL Server

Login module Built in visual studio 2010 using and sql server database. used by administrators to control the users of your programs Perfect for Managing User Privileges and Roles control who has access to what such as viewing printing reports editing and deleting data or administrator tasks code sample program with database easy to add to projects . username = mike001 password =

Solution to Overflow Error 6 or Division by Zero

A lot of you may encounter the error “ overflow error 6” during code execution. This problem can occur if you use an integer data type in your variable. Int or Integer data type can handle only up to 32768 value. Meaning if you exceed on this limit an overflow error 6 will be thrown. Another problem with this is a division by zero (0). But in majority the division by zero error has an error number