How to Check Email Availability using jQuery and PHP/MySQLi

This tutorial tackles on how to check the availability of email using jQuery and PHP with MySQLi-OOP. In user registration, we don't want that multiple users have the same email or in short we want the email to be unique to each user. To do so, we use validations to validate an email then we check if the email already exist.

How to Hash Password using PHP's password_hash()

This tutorial tackles on how to hash password using PHP's password_hash() function. password hash(), as per official site description, creates a password hash. This function expects two parameters, the password that you want to hash, then the algorithm that you want to use to hash the password. You can then use password_verify() function to check for the hashed password.

How to Export MySQL Database into CSV File using PHP/MySQLi

This tutorial tackles on how to export MySQL database into .csv/CSV file using PHP/MySQLi. Usually, we export MySQL database using our phpMyAdmin and it is in .sql format but if you want it in CSV format, this tutorial will help you on how to achieve this. CSV stands for Comma-separated Values which is a simple file format used to store tabular data such as database.

How to Import CSV File into MySQL Database using PHP/MySQLi

This tutorial tackles on how to import data from .csv file or CSV into MySQL database using PHP/MySQLi. CSV stands for Comma-separated Values which is a simple file format used to store tabular data such as database. As the name suggested, the data in this files are separated by commas and most of the time came from excel spreadsheets.

CodeIgniter File Upload with Flashdata

This tutorial tackles on how to upload files in CodeIgniter with flashdata. CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that uses MVC(Model-View-Controller) architecture. Flashdata are a type of session but is just set one time means that after you reload the page, this data is removed. Flashdata are usually used when displaying action messages like success or errors.