Load data from Database into Combobox using C#

How to Load data from Database into Combobox using C#

In this tutorial, I will show you how to fill a Combobox with a Data from Microsoft Access Database. As well as how to search specific record from the database using the data in a combobox. To start building with this project, create a new C# project and design the user interface looks like as shown below. c1 Then save it as “ComboFilter” or whatever you want to name this application. After this step, let’s now create a new database in Microsoft Access named “studentdb”.

How to Load Data From Database in a Combobox using C#

This tutorial is a continuation of our last topic called “How to Create a Simple Record Navigation in C#”. At this time, I’m going to show you how to load data from Microsoft Access Database into a Combobox using C#. To start with this application, we need to open our project called “student_info” then we will apply the loading of data From Database in a combobox. To do this, change the input field of “Course :” from textbox to combobox.