Game Programming

Missile Command Game using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Missile Command Game using HTML & CSS in Vanilla JavaScript with Source Code - A retro-style game coded purely in JavaScript where you defend a city from incoming attacks. The gameplay is basically protecting the city from incoming attacks; you need to fire back some missiles to prevent a catastrophe. JavaScript Source Code

Block Puzzle Game using Pyxel in Python with Source Code

Block Puzzle Game using Pyxel in Python with Source Code - A Python program that is a fun and engaging puzzle-building application. Players interact with the game using the mouse, enjoying its simple yet effective gameplay. This Python-based application is developed with fundamental principles of the language, offering an enjoyable gaming experience. Python Source Code.

Frogger Game using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Frogger Game using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code - An arcade-style game coded purely in JavaScript where your goal is to safely cross the road. The player can control the character using the keyboard. You must avoid getting hit by cars on the road and jump on top of planks to cross the river. JavaScript Source Code.