

In this part you will learn: 1. What is polymorphism 2. Why need polymorphism 3. What is virtual function 4. What is pure virtual function 5. Program 6. Output Polymorphism Polymorphism means having many forms. In c++, when we are dealing with classes and their inheritance, there occurs a case when we have more than one derived classes of the base class. Using polymorphism we can call a member function, which will, depending upon the type of object that invokes the function, cause a different function to perform. Polymorphism makes the program simple.

How To Set Up Master And Slave MYSQL

In this tutorial I am going to teach you one of the most important MySQL techniques that you must use in your software development. Today huge amount of business use MySQL as their data base. Imagine if their database corrupted what would be happen ?, If your server crashed what word you do ? So we must use database backup technique to overcome those issues. Now I am going to explain you one of

Change Stylesheet in Javascript

This project will teach you how to change the web page stylesheet using javascript. I have here in my example the 3 different buttons. On click of the button, the sizes or the web page style will automatically change according to the style you set up. I have 3 different styles(small, medium, large), so I have also to create 3 stylesheet named small.css, medium.css and large.css. It is easy and it

Overriding Function

Overriding function

In this part you will learn: 1. What are overriding functions? 2. What are the benefits of using overriding functions? 3. How to override a function 4. Program 5. Output Overriding function A function of base class defined again in the derived class is known as overriding function. In many c++ programs, there comes a case when we want to add extra functionality in the base class. So we override the function.



In this part you will learn: 1. What is inheritance? 2. Why we need inheritance? 3. Syntax 4. Program 5. Output Inheritance In c++, the concept of inheritance is just like inheritance in family. As we all are child of our parents, we have inherited their many things from them. Similar is the case in programming.

Operator Overloading

Operator overloading

In this part you will learn: 1. What is meant by operator overloading 2. Why we need to overload operators 3. Syntax 4. Program 5. Output Operator Overloading As the name suggests, operator overloading means to make overloaded function for an operator of a class. There are many operators in programming the basic ones are given below • logical operators(,=,==,!=) • Arithmetic operators(+,-,*,/,%) • unary operators (++,--) • assignment operator (=) etc. We can even overload console input and output operators.

How to Create Windows Service C#

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to create windows service. One of the powerful feature of .NET environment is it is facilitate to create windows services. Windows services are executable applications that run in background. They are controlled by Service Control Manager. According to Microsoft windows service is very much close to unix concept of cron job. Usually starts when windows

Friend Functions

Friend functions

In this part you will learn: 1. What are friend functions 2. Uses of friend function 3. Syntax of friend function 4. Program 5. Output Friend Function A function declared as friend function isn’t really a part of member functions of a class but it can access the public as well as the private members of the class which considers the function as its friend.