Point Of Sales System for Businesses (POS)


This project is developed for a client and i wish to share it if case one may need for his/her business.It very nice point of sales system for pharmacies,cold store,supermarket etc.

Note: Permission granted from my client before posting it here,so no fear.

- Daily sales
- yearly sales
- months sales
Any specific period sales can be accessed.
- customer information
- excel functionalities

Reports printing in difference
- format like 58ml printer ,80ml thermal receipt printer,a4 sheet etc.
- payment form 
- current stock level 
- purchase sheet generator
- return out ward stock
- return inward  stock
- take stock by trip
- know profit margin per product
- best selling product
- graphical presentation of reports
And many more.

CONTACT ME:+233245050062
 E-MAIL:[email protected]

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gaado  nice way to fool us my ms access  did not work because of you very bad man you are spoiled my system itself 

Good morning, send the source code and password to me at this e_mail: [email protected] please.

Can you please provide the username and Password?

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