Online Pet Shop We App using PHP and PayPal Free Source Code


Introduction of Online Pet Shop Web App

This is a PHP and MySQL Database Project called Online Pet Shop Web App. This web application is a sort of e-Commerce or an Online Store. This online store contains the common features that can be found in some popular online store websites which are the Shopping cart, online payment, and more.

About the Web Application

This Online Pet Shop Web Application was developed using HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL Database, JavaScript (jQuery/Ajax), Bootstrap, and startbootstrap free template. The system has 2 sides of the user Interface which are the Admin Panel and Store Side. The Admin Panel is the side/module of the system which can only be accessed by the store management or system admin. This side manages the data provided on the store side such as the categories and product list. The Store side/module is the public side of the application which clients or possible clients can browse and explore the products of the store and also place their order for their desired products. This application uses the PayPal library to handle online payments.

Features and Functionalities

Admin Panel

  • Login/Logout
  • Manage Category List
  • Manage Sub Category List
  • Manage Products
  • Manage Inventory
  • Manage Orders
  • Manage System Settings
  • Manage Account

Store/Public Side

  • Login Modal
  • Registration Modal
  • Home Page
  • Search Product
  • View Product
  • Browse Product Images
  • Shopping Cart
  • Place Order
  • Order List
  • Manage Account

Some Snapshots of the Web Application


Store Home Page



View Product



View Order



Admin Panel


This web application is free to download. Feel free to download and modify the source code the way you wanted. Please use the source code for educational purposes only.

How to Run


  • Download and Install any local web server such as XAMPP/WAMP.
  • Download the provided source code zip file. (download button is located below)


  1. Open your XAMPP/WAMP's Control Panel and start the Apache and MySQL.
  2. Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
  3. If you are using XAMPP, copy the extracted source code folder and paste it into the XAMPP's "htdocs" directory. And If you are using WAMP, paste it into the "www" directory.
  4. Browse the PHPMyAdmin in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  5. Create a new database naming pet_shop_db.
  6. Import the provided SQL file. The file is known as pet_shop_db.sql located inside the database folder.
  7. Browse the Online Pet Shop Web App in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/pet_shop and http://localhost/pet_shop/admin for the admin side.

Admin Information

Username: admin
Password: admin123


That's it! I hope this Simple Online Pet Shop Web Application in PHP will help you with what you are looking for and for your future PHP Projects.

Explore more on this website for more Free Source Codes and Tutorials.

Enjoy :)

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


hi! i tried the coding but apparently it cannot upload image. can you help me please?

Hi I tried to log in in the site but the session start is not woking . It redirects me to the current page , even though I enter my email and password correctly. Thank you for your àdvance response .God bless.

Sir I need some changes in project Can you remove the PayPal option I only want debit and credit card options and when I try to put a card number it won't tak it shows invalid card number I tried a lot......sir can you make change please sir .

Hello Sir! I'm someone who had taken a liking with this project and I've made some modifications and changes to it. I had a great time doing so. however, there's this one thing that I can't figure out. I wanted to add an add to cart button right below the view button in home, products, and view products(related products) pages. I would greatly appreciate if you could help me. Thankyou very much


Hey there, Where can I change the currency symbol?

Admin pannel is not working

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