Students Records System Version 1.0
Hi there about this code I called it Students Records System Version 1.0 written entirely in MS Access. This code is very useful in school it can be use to store, process the information of students like student information file, grades and other relevant informations for the students. It contains useful codes like password validation, report generation and data storage and navigation. Great code for programmers that are new in MS Access programming.
If you find my work useful send me an email at [email protected]. People here in the Philippines who wish to contact me can reach me in my mobile phone numbers at 09296768375 and 09226034089. My home landline number is (034) 4335081. Thank you very much and Happy Programming.
Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED - Instructional Technology
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visual basic 6.0
See it doesnt work, or something with my office 2007?
re: See it doesnt work, or something with my office 2007?
Bellow the menu bar is a
hi poh!!
pwede po malaman f ms accsses lang poh ba to na prog?? kasi may nkita aq na vb command.. pewde po pa tutor ng accesses at vb6.. tnx poh!! here my email - [email protected] tnx a lot!!!!=)
Hey there!
for inquiries and help
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