
Visual Basic Skype Mass Message

Introduction: This tutorial you will learn how to create a mass message program for Skype in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step One: First we need to include the Skype API so go to Project > Add Reference > COM > Skype4COM. Step Two: Now add a button to our form which will begin the mass message process and a text box to enter the message to send to everyone. Step Three: Next we need to create a variable to contain our Skype client.

Visual Basic Webpage Scraper

Introduction: In this tutorial I will be showing you how to create a webpage scraper in Visual Basic. This can be used to gather information from certain websites through an automated process. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with a simple button (set the name to scrapeButton), a Text Box (set the name to linkURL), a Rich Text Box (set the name to srcBox) and a Web Browser (set the name to srcBrowser).

Modified commercial management

added some detail in this code, you can generate report and print invoice printer atm generate bar code. You can also use bar code reader is ready to be used and improved. User data are encoded user can select different themes user Jornesio password 12345 this is an amended version posted here by jaysfall Portuguese language spoken acrescentou alguns detalhes neste código, você pode gerar o

Testing File System Object in Vbscript

'The code is as shown below Dim WshShell choice=InputBox("Filename","Type File Name") If choice="" Then Wscript.Quit End If choice2=InputBox("Foldername", "Type Folder Name to be created") If choice2="" Then Wscript.Quit End If foldername="C:\"& choice2 filename=foldername&"\" & choice & ".txt" Set WshShl=WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") WshShl.Run"cmd /c mkdir C:\" & choice2 Set Fso=WScript

Pemrograman grafis dengan VB6 by Rizky Khafitsyah (Graphics programming with VB6 by Rizky Khafitsyah)

ini adalah sebuah source code vb6 untuk pemrograman grafis yang sangat sederhana. Dibuat khusus untuk dipelajari. Silahkan Anda kembangkan sendiri imajinasi anda ! This is a vb6 source code for programming the graphics are very simple. Created specifically for the study. Please develop your own imagination!

POS and Inventory System

Good day! fellow coders, my name is Leomar V. Ramos, and I'm sharing this piece to you.This is a point of sales program with user management,supplier management,product categories, product/items and etc.This program was written in Visual Basic with easy to understand coding techniques and user friendly interface. I hope this one could help you.This is good for beginner programmers. Thank you