
How to Convert String to Sentence Case using PHP

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to Convert String to Sentence Case using PHP. We all know, in a sentence form, the first letter is capitalized and the following word is lowercased but with the proper nouns and other words must be generally in capitalized word. We are going to convert the string to sentence case. For example, the user comment to a webpage, it will display the string into the web page but you cannot, sure enough, the text from the user is properly formatted or not.

Count SubString in a Large String in Java

This tutorial will teach you how to create a program that will have an example of Caret Event and Listener in Java. A CaretEvent lets the user notify interested parties that the text caret has changed in the event with its source. Note: A caret is the cursor indicating the insertion point So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of 2.

Try and Catch Statements

Introduction: This page will teach you about the Try and Catch statements in Java. What is a Try and Catch statement? A Try and Catch statement is a very handy statement which allows the program to handle errors and warnings thrown by the scripts. Each Try and Catch statement contains the block of script to handle, a single or multiple exception(s) followed by block(s) of script which are executed if that specific exception is thrown by the handled script.

Return Keyword

Introduction: Welcome! This tutorial page will teach you about the "Return" keyword in Java. What is a 'keyword'? A keyword is a word which already has a set/pre-defined action within Java. For example; public is a keyword which allows other classes to access the public variable or function/method. So, what does the "Return" do? Return is used to send a value back from a method or function to the place where it was called. The type of value to return depends on the type of method the return keyword is encased in.


Introduction: Welcome, this page will teach you about Arrays within Java. What is an Array? An array is a variable which holds more than one value, in effect, it's a list of values attached to a variable name. When are Arrays Used? Arrays are very useful for holding lists of values for certain scripts. For example; holding the id of each button that has been activated within a game.


Introduction: Hello! This tutorial will teach you about variables. What are variables? Variables are pieces of data which are used to store more data. Every variable has a type, a name and a value; if the variable does not have a value then its value is 'null' or 'nothing'. What types can variables be? There are a few different types of variable, the most common ones being: - String - Double - Int (Integer) - Long - Boolean A string is a piece of text containing letters, numbers and symbols.

How to Create a Ceaser Cipher Text Encrypter in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to a tutorial on how to create a simple Ceaser Cipher text encrypter using Visual Basic. Notes: In this tutorial I only did three letters as an example, you will want to do the same technique for every letter of the alphabet to avoid messages getting muddled. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First you want to create a form with; textbox1 - Message to encrypt textbox2 - Message to decrypt Button1 - Encrypt Button2 - Decrypt Step 2: We will be using one function to deal with all the encrypting and decrypting s

Reverse a string

This tutorial will teach you how to reverse a string in java . The following are the steps to run this program: 1- Extract 2- Open Eclipse IDE 3- click file menu and Import 4- general/existing projects into workspace/next 5- check, select root directory and click browse 6- locate the project folder then click ok/finish If you find my code useful, send me an email at: ainaerik@