
Simple Notepad Application using C# - Part 2

This is the second part of the article about C# Notepad. In the first part of this tutorial we already created a simple Notepad with possibilities to open, save, save as and print file. Also, you can change now the font and it's size from the menu. The next step is to implement the basic operations in the text redactor: copy, paste and cut. This actions can be performed in a very simple way by using functions of the textBox class.

Simple Notepad Application using C# - Part 1

In this article you fill find information about how to implement the basic functions of the Notepad using c# Visual Studio provides a good interface for creating different Windows Form Applications. One of the most popular application that is created during the studying is Notepad. In this article I will not pay a lot of attention on the process of building GUI, because it's a simple task. I just give you one important tip on this step: Always give proper names to your GUI elements.

Introduction to javax.swing Library. A Simple Notepad Application. Part 2

This is the second part of the A Simple Notepad Application tutorial. In this article you will see, how all the functions of the text editor are implemented. So, we continue our work on the text editor. We have the graphical user interface. First step to implement the functionality is to add shortcut keys to every menu item. We will ise for this KeyAdapter.

Introduction to javax.swing Library. A Simple Notepad Application. Part 1

In this article I'll describe how to create a simple Notepad application using javax.swing library. Now, you know how to create java projects in Eclipse. So, we will create a new project, called coolReader. First of all, I'll show you the structure of the project: structure So, the project consists of 3 classes and a set of images, used to create some buttons. Now,we wil speak about coolReader class. This class is the class, that has the full implementation of the GUI and event handling.

How to Create a Text Editor in Visual Basic

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a text editor in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we need a form. Mine will consist of; - Richtextbox1 - Contain text contents - Button1 - Load File - Button2 - Save File - Button3 - Save File As New Name Step 2: Now lets import System.IO so we can read and write files. We also want to create a path String variable to contain our opened

How to Create a Notepad Project in Java

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a simple Notepad application in Java. The program will save and open files as well as have close and new functions. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create two classes; Main and Grid. In our Main class we will have our JFrame (which is the window of the application). The JFrame will lead to our Grid class which will contain the Notepad

Textpad Written in java!

I have made this text pad as my first ever university project on programming fundamentals. I was quite novice at that time in the field of programming. I have developed it 3 years ago when I was the student of second semester in my honours program. Now I can say that, being in the 7th semester, that i have got an advanced programming skills typically in JAVA platform. I have developed many POS