#JavaScript #Web #Jquery

Calendar Event

In this tutorial we will show you how to create an Event Calendar using jQuery, Ajax, and PHP. This tutorial provides the script for generating calendar and display events from the MySQL database on the respective date. In this second part of the PHP event calendar well show you how to add events to the calendar using jQuery, Ajax, PHP & MySQL. Means we’ll extend our PHP event calendar script with add event and view event functionality.

Images Sliding Thumbnails

In this tutorial we are going to create image sliding with a thumbnail area that scrolls automatically when moving the mouse to the right and left side. The scrolling functionality of the thumbnail bar is based on the Horizontal Scrolling Menu made with CSS and jQuery. In additional script to run the project is using PHP to get the images and thumbs automatically from the folder structure. See the example code below.

Sample Code

HTML and the PHP Script.

Simple jQuery Image Zoom

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create jQuery Image Zoom. It is a simple and easy to use jQuery image zoom that enlarge your images on mouse over, grab, click or toggle. And jQuery image zoom has a plugin. Simple jQuery image zoom lets you partially clip and confine large images on your site to a smaller container to save space, with the hidden portion accessible by dragging or panning inside the image.