
How to Check Email Availability using jQuery and PHP/MySQLi

This tutorial tackles on how to check the availability of email using jQuery and PHP with MySQLi-OOP. In user registration, we don't want that multiple users have the same email or in short we want the email to be unique to each user. To do so, we use validations to validate an email then we check if the email already exist.

Send SMS Using Desktop

This project written in VB.NET 10 as front end and MS Access as back end. This is useful for Classes, Schools,Trust,Colleges etc. User can Add 1. Master Data 2. Group 3. Send SMS with Multiple Languages with own Sender ID i.e. CBSBI, AxixBk, IDBIBk, etc. & Get Also Reports of Master & Hitory of SMS , Create templates of SMS etc. User-ADM Password-ADM For students or anyone else who needs program

Email Validation using VB6

Last month, I had discussed already in on how to make a program that can validate or determine whether an inputted email address is true or not. Now, i have here a different version of email validation written in VB 6.0. strong>Now, let's start this tutorial! 1.Let's start this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0: Open Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, click Choose Standard EXE, and click Open. 2.

Sending E-mail with Attachment

Last month, I had lectured on how to make a program that can send an e-mail using visual Now, we will create a program that can send also e-mails but has an attachment. For this tutorial we will use the System.Net.Mail namespace as it contains classes used for sending e-mails to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for delivery. Now, let's start this sending an e-mail with attachment tutorial! 1.

Forum Tutorial - Email Verification

Introduction: This tutorial will be covering how to add email verification to your user account registration page. As a base for this tutorial, I will be using my already made series of pages from my forum creation series which can be found on my account tracking page (there's around 20 parts!). The Theory: The way this verification is going to work is; The user will enter their email upon registration. A ticket will be created and stored in our database containing a unique string which will be emailed to the users email address. The email will be sent

How to know if Email is Valid or Not in VB.NET

Hi! this is donbermoy again! :) For now i will teach you how to code for the validation of email address when you input it. Email address has two parts namely the local part of the address which is the part before the @ sign, and the domain name in which the email message will be sent. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.

PHP Email Form

Introduction: This tutorial will cover creating an email form with PHP/HTMl. Pre-creation: Before you do this, please note that some errors may be caused by your php.ini file located on your server (online or local) during the actual mail sending process (if they do not arrive, for example). Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we are going to create our HTML form for the user to interact with. We