Free Hotel Management - Posting charges
Submitted by admin on Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 12:25.

Posting charges
To post the final charges for guest open the guest record and click the check out button as shown below.
Click the Amount Paid to open the payment form.Click check out after the balance reaches zero (0.00).
Enter the Amount at the Amount Paid textbox and click add button. Click close afterward.
Rate per period error
Hi there, i compiled teh code but cant find anywhere to set the rate per period. please help
i unable to open the reports plz solve my problem
when i click check out reports it asking user name and passwords i dont kw how to open ? where is the passwords ?
Posting charges
Good day, i have a problem running your code, when i clicked on the reports>>checked in guest, the error says "Server has not yet opened", how could i fix this problem? thank you:)
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