How to Create a 'What Should I Do?' Program in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a 'What Should I Do?' program to make decisions for you in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with; textbox1 - contain new options to add, button1 - add new option contained in textbox1, button2 - choose which option to do! Lets also create a list of string which will contain our options. We also need a

Inventory Management System

This project is aimed at developing an inventory management system for a departmental store. This system can be used to store the details of the inventory, update the inventory based on the sale details, produce receipts for sales, generate sales and inventory reports periodically etc. This is one integrated system that contains both the user component and the admin component.

Teaching Initiatives Bring Coding to Forefront

A couple of teaching initiatives have made headlines, with non-profit aiming to reach 10 million US students with its Hour of Code program, while General Assembly is offering free online web development courses through Dash. is aiming to celebrate this year’s Computer Science Education week (Dec. 9-15) by reaching millions of students in 50 different States of the USA, spreading

If Statements

The If statements is one of the conditional Logic statements, that allows the programmer to specify which condition evaluates to true or false. Without the conditional statement, a program could not meet the condition requirement and possibly returns a different result. Sample Syntax If condition Then [ statements ] [ Else [ else statements ] ] The if statement is a decision statement, used to check a condition and if the condition is true then the statements following Then are executed.

How to Create a Text Manipulation Tool in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a Text Manipulation tool in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with one button as 'go', textbox1 to contain the text to manipulate, textbox2 to contain the text reversed, textbox3 to contain the text muddled and textbox4 to contain the total characters of the text. Step 2: Now we want to set up our go button

Programming Tips: 4 Steps to Better Code

Here are four tips that will help your code automatically get better. a. Use Small Methods: This tends to be the most difficult part in coding, but it’s arguably the most important as well. Keeping your methods small, helps maintain tidier code, with more descriptive method names and fewer side effects. Your code will be easier to run through and that will help you maintain a wider view of your

Adding a Button Control in Windows Form

In creating Visual Basic.Net application, one of the most common control used is a Button. Using Visual Basic, it is important to use a button control, because Button is used to initiate actions, usually by clicking on it. Using visual Basic.Net, there are many ways on how to add a button tool to a form. In our case, we’re not going to double click the button tool in the toolbox to add the control to the form.

How to Create a Local Revision Tool in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a Revision Tool program in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we need to create a form with... button1 - add a new question and answer textbox1 - contain a new question textbox2 - contain a new answer textbox3 - contain answer to current question button2 - begin revision button3 - check answer label1 - contain current question. We

Language Use List: Groovy Enters Top-20; C Still on Top

Dramatic jumps over the past year have seen the Groovy language break into the top-20 list of programming languages, reaching the 18th spot, according to this month’s Tiobe index of programming language popularity. A dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine, Groovy has managed to jump over 35 spots since last year, when it was ranked at the 53rd position. Though its use percentage is at a

KCC-TC Automated Daily Time Record

This is a capstone project created using Visual Basic 2008 with MS Access support for database. This system can be used as a tool for monitoring the daily time record of all students in a technological center even the employees of the said school. The system can work with the used of Barcode scanner or manual encoding of log in id number. It has also an administrator side where you can add a new