Sales Invoice System

Sales Tracker Management System using PHP Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
This project is entitled Sales Tracker System. It is a web application that tracks and manages the sales transaction of a certain business. The main goal of this project is to automate the business sales transaction for easy retrieval and storage. The system has a pleasant user interface using Bootstrap Framework and AdminLTE Template. It consists of user-friendly features and functionalities

Free Final Year Projects for Computer Science and IT Students 2020-2021

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Final Year Projects for Computer Science or IT Students This article list some projects that can be used for Final Year Projects for IT (Information Technology) and Computer Science students. The projects are developed or written using PHP, Visual Basic .NET, C#, and Python. These projects will help you to enhance or your knowledge and skills in developing software-based, web-based, or online

Car Spareparts Sales and Inventory System

Submitted by ramos.cj360 on
Car Spareparts Sales and Inventory System is a program that uses ADO and some good functionalities. It uses listview control in displaying list of records,flexgrid and other activex controls that beautify the interface of the system. Download this code and you will learn more in Visual Basic programming, such as the used API in database programming, custom functions and procedures to optimize your