PHP Tutorial Source Code for Beginners

Login and Registration using PHP and SQLite3 Tutorial Source Code

In this article, I have provided a Simple PHP source code that demonstrates the creation of a Login and Registration Feature of a Web Application using PHP Language and SQLite3 database. The source code I provided contains some comments that can help you understand it more. The source code results in a simple web application that contains a login form, registration form, and home page. About the

8 Ways to Generate Random String in PHP Tutorial


In this tutorial, you will learn the 8 Different Ways of Generating Random Strings using PHP Language. The tutorial aims to provide a reference or guide to the IT/CS students or new to PHP Language for using some of the built-in methods or functions of PHP. Here, snippets will be provided and a sample web program source code file is free to download.

Creating a Simple Comment Section using PHP and SQLite Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Simple Comment Section in your Web Application Projects using PHP and SQLite Database. Comment Section is one of the most common feature in a web application such as Blog Sites. This application feature allows users to leave a comment, ask questions, or feedback for a certain post/content. This kind of web application feature also allows other users to reply-to-comment which means other users can leave a comment under a specific comment too.

Auto Creation of Database Tables and Insertion of Values in PHP Free Source Code

Hello! Greetings from Malawi the Warm Heart Of Africa. This is a simple demo project I just want to share with you so that you can learn how you create databases and tables automatically when the index.php or home.php is initiated. In this web application, the database data/tables will be automatically created when the application has been initiated or browse for the first time. In that case, you