Unicode to HTML Converter in Visual Basic

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a unicode to HTML equivilient characters. Design: This design requires two components; Textbox, textbox1, User entries Button, button1, Begins process. Variables: The way this system will work is it will search one array or list of information for the entry from the user, get the inex and return the element at the same index but in a different list, the information's equivilient partner.

Random Number/Line Selector in Visual Basic

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a 'Random Choice' tool which will randomly select either a line from a text file, or a random number. Design: For this we want; -Random Number- Numericupdown, numericupdown1, hold the minimum possible random number value. Numericupdown, numericupdown2, hold the maximum possible random number value. Button, button1, Select a random number. -Text File Line Selector- Button, button2, Select the file and choose a random number, converted to line. Imports: The first thing we need to do is import th

Timer in Visual Basic

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a timer in Visual Basic. Threads: Te first thing you must know about this tutorial is how to use threads. Threads are essentially processes which run certain parts of your programs code, the main thread handles the design of your form as well as the code of your form, therefore, when you have a lot of long-running code, your UI will freeze.

Simple Clock in Visual Basic

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a simple clock in Visual Basic. Design: For this, we simply need a new Windows Form, with one label - call it; 'clockLbl'. You may center the label to the middle of the form in both x and y axis' and give it a large font size. We also need a timer, name this timer1. Set it's interval to 1000ms/1second and it's enabled state to 'True'. Form Load: On form load, we want to initiate the label with the current computer time.

File Comparison Tool in Visual Basic

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a file comparison tool in Visual Basic. Pseudo: First the user selects file #1. Then file #2. Stats are accumulated for each file. Stats are drawn on to the form. Design: For the form, we are simply going to use two listboxes (listbox1 and listbox2) to hold the stats and 'button1' with the text of 'Begin' to start the comparison process. File Selection: So now we create an OpenFileDialog to allow the user to select a file.