ms access

Local Governement Staff Promotion System

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
The is a project work which is aimed at revealing the benefits of computerization in the promotion process of the local government system, especially as it concerns the staff of the local government. The project explained the way promotion process of the local government staff in Oruk Anam local Government Council is done. It has as its main purpose and other to advice the Oruk Anam local

Computerized Payroll System (Java GUI)

Submitted by donbermoy on
This Computerized Payroll System was my project in Computer Programming 2 Subject particularly in Java when I was a 2nd Year Student. This project was developed using JCreator Pro and MS Access as the database used. This features employee information with its designation, employee settings for the allowances such as food, transportation, and others; and deductions such as absences, SSS, PhilHealth

Bee Keeping Management System

Submitted by Raj.Sharma on
This Bee Keeping Management System is developed using Visual Basic.NET and using MS Access 2010 database on the back end. Main Features are: 1. Apiary and Hive Management 2. Hive Inspection 3. Honey and Bee Management Tools Stock Maintenance 4. Honey and Bee Management Tools Sales and Invoice Generation 5. Advance Records Searching 6. Database Backup and Recovery 7. Customers and Beekeepers

MySQL Query Window

Submitted by cngirwa on
The software connects to the local server on your computer, then you can run MySQL commands inside the software without the need to open a web browser and navigate to phpmyadmin. This software can; 1. create,set password or delete a user on server 2. create,alter.insert or drop table 3. backup database 4. restore database 5. create a database 6. view previous queries you executed 7. search query

Sales System for Riverside Parts Master (C# + MS ACCESS)

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a project of my younger brother entitled Sales System for Riverside Parts Master written in C# and MS Access database for their computer programming 3 subject in STI. Riverside Parts Master is a store that caters all hardware components for motorcycle, home, cars, and etc. The system has the following features: - Product Information - Product List/ Inventory - Sales Cashiering - Sold Items

MySQL Query Window

Submitted by cngirwa on
Updated version with; 1. Help 2. Manual Document MySQL Query Window v5.26 is the best software for execution of MySQL commands. It serves the need to use phpmyadmin. It simplify the tasks and also improve your MySQL skills. This software enable users to; 1. Log in their local server 2. Create a database 3. Show selected database 4. Drop database 5. Select from table 6. Create table 7. Drop table 8