Mobile Apps

4 Ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) Affect Mobile App Development Revealed

The advancement in technology has continually hooked more and more people. Lots of individuals now regardless of age, gender, and race are making full use of the benefits of mobile applications. Many apps on online stores are making the lives of people easier - getting works done speedily and creatively. On the part of app developers, the challenge is to come up with products that will stand out

Android SCRUD (Search,Create,Update,Delete) using ONLINE MYSQL Database

The beauty of this simple little program is not in its novelty value, but that it can be added to any other program to add functionality and make a point of difference. This is my updated demo program on how to SCRUD (Search, Add, Edit, and Delete) using ONLINE MYSQL database. Create your own free online mysql database ( There is no webservices/php file created for this demo apps.