Gmail SMTP

Updated - Employee Payslip Generator with Sending Mail using PHP and Gmail SMTP

This article's main purpose is to give updated instructions on the new way of using Gmail SMTP for sending the generated payslip as mail with attachment of the Employee Payslip Generator System that I have published previously. Here, I will show you how to set up your Gmail account using XAMPP's sendmail package. Less Secure Option is not existing anymore on Google, to make the mailing feature of

Sending Mail in Python using Django Framework Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will tackle about Sending Mail in Python using Django Framework. We will be using the GMail STMP as our Email Host for sending mail. Here, you will learn the process or steps that need to be done to send mail from your Python Django App. We will be creating a simple Django Project that contains a Send Us a Message Form. Using the said form, the app will be sending an email to the site email receiver.

Gettign Started

Download Python and pip in your local machine.