
Chat Application

This is a chat application program created by my co-professor using Visual Basic 6.0 and Winsock component. This features: Client-server network Chatname IP Address COM Port Sending Messages Download the source code and enjoy! :D Best Regards, Engr. Lyndon Bermoy IT Instructor/System Developer/Android Developer/Freelance Programmer If you have some queries, feel free to contact the number or e

Login and Chat Application (AJAX,PHP-PDO and MySQL)

*Credit to sir Argie Policarpio for initiating this kind of program. Have you ever wished to make your own chat box? So bad if not! Nevertheless, chat boxes are just an amazing work of programming and art which have tremendous usage; either it’s good or bad. Before going through, I’ll first give my own definition of the word chat box, chat box is a place where user can input or type user’s message

Chat Application (connecting winforms to webapp chat service) demo =>

PROGRAMMER: WINSTON L. GUBANTES Features: 1. Chat Application Sample to connect your Winform Application to Web App Chat service Useful with following Scenarios 1. Realtime based apps 2. if you want your client application(be it web or winform apps) to get notified when data has changes 3. of course can be used as chat application can be suited on any type of application(web, agent service or

Social Networking Site (CHMSCnet)

As the time changes, people is searching for a medium that they can use in communicating and others continue to discover some instrument that will help them communicate with other people in an easy and obtainable way. Users also have an account, can upload profile picture, update personal status, add friends, send message, chat, add new threads in forum and especially profile updates to know the