
3D Animated Image Carousel Using HTML and CSS with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the 3D Animated Image Carousel, a visually stunning and interactive project that brings life to image transitions using only HTML and CSS. This carousel showcases a dynamic 3D effect, allowing images to shift smoothly with depth and perspective. Designed for an immersive user experience, this project eliminates the need for JavaScript, relying entirely on pure CSS animations to create

3D Image Changer App using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
3D Image Changer App using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code - A JavaScript program aims to enhance website aesthetics by displaying image presentations. Displayed within a web browser, this project exclusively features images, creating an immersive visual experience. JavaScript Source Code.

Simple 3D with Cross-Eye view

Submitted by Eclipsed Lunatic on
It's based upon the "Simple 3D" program by mrdobLedos. I expanded it with a second similar animation to create a real 3D view of the animation using the Cross-Eyed View. The cross-eyed method can be used on stereoscopic pictures/animation where the left image is on the right side and vice versa. It requires no 3D glasses or gear, only the desire to learn. 1) Look at what looks like two identical