Facebook Like Chat Script using PHP/SQL Server

Choose user to chat with. Sent them instant chat messages just like on Facebook. Play notification sound on new chat message. attach Chat database from the db folder to sql server via the SSMS

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how edit database root and password and dbname ?

I've amended public $usr = "root"; public $database = "localhost"; public $uid = "sa"; public $pwd = "6666660"; public $dbnm = "example"; public $connectionInfo = null; public $query = null; public $serverName = ".\SQL"; public $params1 = array(); public $cursor1 = array("Scrollable" => SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET); Is there anything else I need to modify it?

its not getting sqlsrv_connect() function as well as 'SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET

Why there isn't a well documented installation process, it is taking too much time to implement, will drop using it. thank you

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