Sale Invoice, Purchase, Production or Inward, Outward - Inventory/ Stock System

GST Sale Invoice, Purchase Bills, Production Entries or Inward or Outward - Inventory System with Sales Invoice of GST type and Purchase or Daily Production or InWard or OutWard entries to maintain Inventory/ Stock register. Sales Local or Sales Interstate is selected automatically and Cash or Credit information are posted accordingly. Stock report with Drill Down Menu options.... Stock summary-> Product Details-> Production or Inward or Outward register-> Entry Screen. Transfer stock details to Excel and prepare you own reports. Prepare your Invoice with company Logo in beautifully designed vertical / horizontal A4 size format printing, single or double in a page as you wish. Stock quantity is available as on any date you requested and DRILL DOWN TO THE VOUCHER ENTRIES as you wish to see the details or to modify. Modify code according to your individual requirements.... ====== MUST TRY ... VERY GOOD FOR: ====== Small / medium Sales Shops , Small / medium Business House, Small/ medium Production centres, Small/ medium ware hosue, etc etc..... NOW with DAILY PRODUCTION Entry for Manufacturers also.... ======== Project Password : stock ======== Total freedom of customisation..... Author : Rajan All your comments to Email: [email protected]

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This is very good for any small/ medium sized businesses house and Manufacturing centre etc.... Definitely should TRY..

Dear all, The password is gst and it is already given in detail. If you have any troubles, it will be some things else and try to find out. Happy coding....

In reply to by Raja, author (not verified)

Please i couldnt get the code. Can you send me the code?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

HOW can i download code and edit it

seems to be good coding, allow me to download and test

All my applications are provided with free source code and is protected with password. Password is also provided. Please learn minimum knowledge of how to access the source code and how to hide, unhide table and form etc prior to your testing.

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