
Invoice generation application in EXCEL

A beautiful Invoice Generating Application in Microsoft Excel, create and save PDF format for invoice copy in current working directory. And excel copy also in current directory for future edit. A menu driven application truely professional style. Password : 123 all comments to : [email protected] Pls send your comments to [email protected] regarding Why you doesnot like ? Why you like ? so that

Simple aplicación con OpenCV en Android Studio

Un ejemplo del uso de openCV en android, aun hay un problema cuando carga el archivo haarcascade o LBP. Solo debe tenerse la versión de opencv 3.2 para android y linkearla correctamente. Solo use un archivo en C++ para que sea más fácil usarlo. Las configuraciones de librería usando NDK estan el el archivo CMakeList.txt

Ruby: How To Connect To SQLite Database

In this tutorial we will create A Simple Database Connection Using Ruby/SQLite.Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented, general-purpose, easy syntax kind of programming language. Most developers find it enjoy to work around with Ruby, and enjoyment is a great motivator for beginners. Ruby display an understandable errors, so you'll still be able to track the problematic part of errors. So let's start

Mobile Login, Register and Update User Profile Using ActionScript 3.0

In this tutorial, we will teach you on how to create a Login, Register and Update User Profile Using Action Script 3.0. This project is very known in mobile applications. This application creates a Login form and a registration form for every user, each user can access and update their profile.

Form Wizard with Progress Bar in Admin Bootstrap

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use Form Wizard with Progress Bar in Admin Bootstrap. Using this kind of form, you can specify which information must be first to fill up to the user if we used as a registration form for them. This wizard form separated into a group. It has three steps to finish the wizard form. The user can navigate the form by using Previous, Next, and Last.