Password Strength Background using JavaScript



When it comes to user security, ensuring strong passwords is crucial. In JavaScript, we can implement a password strength checker to evaluate the robustness of a password based on certain criteria.

Key Concepts

To determine the strength of a password, we typically consider factors like length, presence of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. A strong password usually combines these elements to create a secure combination.

Code Structure

The source code provided demonstrates a simple JavaScript function that checks the strength of a password based on the mentioned criteria. It assigns a score to the password and categorizes it as weak, medium, or strong.

How it works?

The output of the this source code is a simple web application with simple form in a card and a background image. The background image indicates the strength of the entered password on the form. Blurry background image indicates the password as weak and the clear image indicates the strong password.


Weak Password

Password Strength Background

Strong Password

Password Strength Background

How to run?

  • Download the provided source code zip file on this website. The download button is located below this article content.
  • Extract the source code
  • Locate the `index.html` file in the source code directory
  • Open the said HTML file in your preferred Web Browser

There you have it! I hope this Password Strength Background in JavaScript source code will help you with what you are looking for and will be useful for your future web application projects.

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