D.P.F Delphi iOS Native Components
Submitted by b_yaghobi on Thursday, November 28, 2013 - 21:51.
Develop Native iOS applications with Delphi XE4 / XE5
Develop iPhone & iPad & iPod Touch apps with fast native performance and native styles.
Why choose D.P.F iOS Native components for your mobile app development needs?
* Use native iOS controls and services
* Fast native performance
* Mixed Some Components with FMX controls
* Can be quick updated with latest iOS controls & features
* Improved all components & classes for iOS6 & iOS7
Some Wrapped Frameworks:
* AddressBookUI.framework
* AddressBook.framework
* iAd.framework
* EventKit.framework
* GameKit.framework
* MapKit.framework
* MessageUI.framework
* MobileCoreServices.framework
* QuickLook.framework
* SystemConfiguration.framework
* Social.framework
* StoreKit.framework
* WebKit.framework
Home Page: D.P.F Delphi iOS Native Components
Last Version: Download D.P.F Delphi iOS Native Components Last Version
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