
Free C/C++ Source Code. Download 10 latest C/C++ system's projects with source code for free here.


This will print the Pascals Triangle up to 'n' lines. I created the Matrix of nXn Matrix. Then initilized all the element to zero. Then Calculated the Combination of i,j using the formula: C(n,r)=n!/(r!*(n-r)!) Before that I calculated the Factorial of a number by using a recursive Function.

Searching for a word in a Dictionary - C Program

A program that searches for a word in a dictionary. - Create a small dictionary of strings - Not in order - Create an interface for user to search for a word in the dictionary If the word is not found, the word is added to the dictionary. The dictionary has 1000 words (English/Swahili) #include /* C Standard Input and Output Library*/ #define array_size 1000 /* Constant size of the array to be

Histogram of the frequencies of characters - C Program

A program written in C to print a histogram of the frequencies of different characters (printable) in its input as horizontal bars #include /* C Standard Input and Output Library*/ /*Variable declarations*/ char string_of_characters[200]; int character_frequency_counter; int counter; int print_histogram_counter; int output_counter; char frequency_array[26][2]={'a',0,'b',0,'c',0,'d',0,'e',0,'f',0

C Program - Cafeteria Rating

Fourty students were asked to rate the quality of food in the student cafeteria on a scale of 1 to 10(1 means awful and 10 means excellent) Place the 40 responses in an integer array and summarise and display the results of the poll #include /* Standard C Library*/ #define students 40 /* Constant students*/ #define max_rating 10 /* Constant max_rating*/ int cafeteria_rating_array[students][1]; /*

C Program to Search for Character in Array

A program that has a function to search per character in an array and return: - Yes, if the character is found - No, if the character is not found Function provided with array with constant data objects, constant pointer Main program: -To request user for character to search -To tell user whether character found or not #include /* C Standard Input and Output Library*/ #define array_size 40 /*