
Free C/C++ Source Code. Download 10 latest C/C++ system's projects with source code for free here.

Check Number of Isolated Vertices & Pendent Vertices from Adjacency Matrix

This is a simple C source code written in gcc paltform (Ubuntu, Linux). It checks that how many Isolated vertices & pendent vertices are contained in the graph represented by the adjacency matrix. Isolated vertex has degree zero & pendent vertex has degree one. Hope it will help others. Thanks.

Check Number of Self-loop & Parallel Edges From Adjacency Matrix

Hello, This is a simple C source code written in gcc paltform (Ubuntu, Linux). It tests that how many self-loop & parallel edges are contained in the graph represented by the adjacency matrix. Also it checks that which vertices contain only self-loop. Self-loop is an edge which has the same initial & termination point.

Simple ATM Simulation

Hello folks this is my first post in sourcecodester, This simple application simulate with ATM Transaction developed in Dev C++. Program Features: 1 - Log In Account 2 - Withdrawal 3 - Deposit 4 - Check Balance 5 - Log Out i used some functions like masking the password with asterisk, printing features and ascii code for a more presentable ui, if you interested to enhance the project feel free to

Testing Degree of Vertices Along with Degree of Graph from Adjacency Matrix

Hello, This is a simple C source code written in gcc paltform (Ubuntu, Linux). It tests the degree of all vertices along with the degree of graph from text file of adjacency matrix. Actually This reads a text file & then checks the above condition. Hope, It will help others. Thanks.

Find Compilation Time of Any Code and Execution Time of Any Command

This is a C source code, can find Compilation Time of any source code & also Execution time of any Command, in nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond. This is written in gcc platform ( Linux, Ubuntu ). The execution time of all commands of Ubuntu can be measured & in case of compilation time of source codes, the corresponding compiler must be installed in the machine. Thanks.