School Management System Project In C#
Submitted by vaibhav02 on Sunday, October 23, 2016 - 01:11.
School Management System Project in C#
This School Management Software is Best School Management System written in C#.Net 4.0 as front end and SQL Server 2008as Back end.We can also manage Multiple branches of a School by This Software ...
Requirement : Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013/2015 (Sql Server 2008/2012/2014) and SAP's Latest Crystal Report
Features Of School PRO Software :---
Student Management: Student management system helps in keeping track of student registration process. A user can add, modify or view modules intended to ease registration and identify student’s background during the admission procedure. Staff Management: Staff management system helps in keeping track of staff registration process. A user can add, modify or view modules. Library Management: Enables a user to maintain the book list with the date of it being issued and date of it when the book is returned.Its have Bar-code Facility also. Payroll Management: It helps in maintaining the payroll for the staff. Notifications and Alerts: Students, teachers, staff, etc. Are informed of various activities and happenings through email/sms alerts. Timetable Management: School timetable software enables a user to set the time table as For the Exams. Hostel Management: Hostel management system enables the feature of managing the school students living in the school premises i.e. Hostel, school management system manages the hostel activities of Hosteler's Students. Attendance Management: School attendance management system track the daily attendance of the students and Staffs and sort out the list of students coming under requirement list of attendance. Examination Management: Make it easy to examine the students and record the results of students easily and Also Prints Attractive Mark sheet and Grade Sheet . Import Bulk Data From Excel: you can Easiliy Import bulk Data(Students and Employees) From Excel and Export Bulk Data from Application to Excel Sheet also ....!!!! Reports Management: This module allows a user to generate very Attractive reports which maybe designed specifically to supply the needs of the institution. Main Features are: Master Entry : School Types Entry School Entry Class Type Entry Class Entry Section Entry Class Sections Entry Sessions Entry Employees Department Entry Designations Entry Fee Types Entry School Fees Entry Bus Entry Location Entry Bus Intallments Entry Hostel Entry Hostel Installments Grading Levels Entry Exams Entry Book Suppliers Entry Books Classifications Entry Books Category Entry Books Sub Category Entry Books Entry Book Suppliers Entry Journal's and Magazines Entry Student Documents Entry Students: Student Registrations Student Discounts Entry Student Hostelers Entry Students BusHolder Entry Students Attendance Entry Student's Class Promotions Entry Employee: Employee Bus Holders Employee Discount's Employee Attendance Employee Salary Payments Employee Salary Payment Attractive Receipts Library Management: Books Fine Setting Books Reservations Books Issue Books Return Journal and Magazines Billings Examinations: Exam Schedule Final Marks Entry Mark sheets Printing Grade Sheets Printing Marks Ledger Transactions: School Fees Payment Bus Fees Payment By Students Bus Fees Payment By Staff Hostel Fees Payment Fees Payment Attractive Receipts Bar code Generators: Random Bar code Generator Books Bar code Generator Reports (Using Crystal Report) Student Report Employee Report Books Reservations Report Fees Due List Reports :- School Fees Bus Fees Hostel Fees Books Issue Report Students Books Issue Report Staff Books Fine Collection From Student Books Fine Collection From Staff Bus Fees Payment Report Salary Report Student Marks Report Student Grade Report Identity Cards of Students Advance Record Searching: Student List Employee List Hostellers List Books List Books Issue Book Return List Fees Due List For :- School Fees Bus Fees Hostel Fees School Fees Payment List Salary Payment Records Hostel Fees Payment List Bus Fees Payment List Student's Bus Fees Payment List Staff's Employee Advance Payment List Employee Salary Payment List Books Suppliers List Books Reservations List of Staff Books Issued List of Students Books Issued List of Staff Books Return List of Students Books Return List of Staff Subjects List Exam Schedule List Result List Other Features: Power Full User Rights Management System SMS Feature is Available Import Bulk Data From Excel Email Feature Logs maintain facility Database Backup option Database Recovery option Change Password Password Recovery Login Information: For Admin: User Type - Admin User Name - admin Password - 12345 Contact me For: Anyone who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software Development (desktop/Web) :- Facebook : My WhatsApp Number : +919630014949 My Contact Number : +919630014949 Email:[email protected] Please LIke and Share It School Management System Project in C#Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
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School Management System Project In C#
Can you provide me source files?
This is my email: [email protected]
Some files
Dear Vaibhav some files are missing in the source code could u plz upload missing files
C# and sql server
They are amazing and helpful project specifically for beginners. But dear vaibhav the projects have missing files. Specially those files that you use to design the forms.
hi i want to full source code ,its project is not school fee payments i want to u plz send me full source at [email protected]
missing files
can you sent full source code include database following email : [email protected]
Please Provide Demo
Please provide demo. so that we can finalize and buy from you. Email me: [email protected]
Amazing job
Really it is amazing and helpful project thank you a lot Vaibhav but the projects have missing pls can you send including database to by [email protected]
Please provide tutorial
Hi there. I see that you great project. Actually, i don't want the source code since i can't seems to learn anything from it. I want you to provide tutorial if you can(either in writing or recording). I love to follow you creating this project from scratch until the end.
missing file
hi dear admin
all of the this user projects have problem he just here for money only
Please contact him and say either do not upload or complete the project
Rubbish upload only for money
This project is an incomplete project, they just upload and waiting for you to spend your time to do something for nothing. Completely useless don't spend your time for Vaibhav and Raj Sharma they just want you to open their rubbish project then wanting you to contact them and offering you to pay them some money. This website supposes to be for people who want to learn programming not for people to upload a rubbish project.
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