Free Hotel Management - The Master files
Submitted by admin on Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 12:15.

The Master files
- The master files contain all the necessary information in order to run the Hotel Management System. These includes rooms, business source, charge type, countries, id type, payment type, rate type, room status, room type, and vehicles.
- To access the master files open the Hotel Management application and click on the monitoring menu.
plsss help me my project..
may i have the maintenance and documentation of hotel reservation me at [email protected] pls reply so that i can see what you answer about this...
can u just tell me i just
can u just tell me i just download ur zip file how i can open and run ur project...wht datebase i have save
re: can i have a documentation
The above and it's related info is the only documentation that I have.
Documentation for Hotel Management system
I want documentation for hotel management system please reply me with document
help us...
kuya wat do you think is the most easy system that we can make for our thesis? I'm a student who is very confuse on what thesis will i do? I'm thinking about enrollment and supplies inventory system but i dont have idea on the coding...but i know little bit of it.. please help me.. ahm using VB6. how can i luk 4 codes? thanks poh.. hope 4 reply... GODBLESS.. (n_n)
re: help us...
There's a lot of program that is made by students here specially the one uploaded by jakepomperada. Study it and modify the features if you like.
connecting vb with sql server
please tell me the complete procedure of how to make connection of vb application with sql server
it will be a great help for me
Re: help mee
can you be clear a bit and i see whether i can sought you out.
i dont understand your question what is the problem?
Is it opening the databse or is it querying?
how to connect sql with vb server?
please tell me the complete procedure of how to make connection of vb application with sql server
it will be a great help for me
starting the software
sir i have downloaded the software but i dont know how to open it in vb. Can u pls give me a one on one step on how to go by it.
plese guide me
hai.can this system modified by using rfid (radio frequency identification) to detect guest open the do that..can u give me a idea.
CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.InfoStore' could not be found
hello, I tried running the project and have the error above among a series...any help?
re: CrystalDecisions
Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET)
I am using Visual Basic.NET 2008.
Hotel Management System Project in Java
hello sir,
i urgently need a Java source code Project for Hotel Management System with complete Database Design
I hope you will consider my humble request n please send the source code at my id
my id:[email protected]
It would be very kind of you if you would send the code as soon as possible.
Thanking you,
Your's sincerely,
PLEASE HELP ME OUT to solve my problem
would you teach me how to import MSAccess DB to SQL SERVER by using VB.NET. I mean.. even either it's just the table of MSAccess or the whole DB MSAccess to SQL SERVER......
Hotel Management System Project in Java
hello sir,
i urgently need a Java source code Project for Hotel Management System with complete Database Design
I hope you will consider my humble request n please send the source code at my id
my id:[email protected]
It would be very kind of you if you would send the code as soon as possible.
Thanking you,
Your's sincerely,
[email protected]
can you please make me a
can you please make me a documentation on this project please sir i have a kind request
hello sir, i urgently need a
hello sir,
i urgently need a Java source code Project for Hotel Management System with complete Database Design
I hope you will consider my humble request n please send the source code at my id
my id:[email protected]
It would be very kind of you if you would send the code as soon as possible.
Thanking you,
Your's sincerely,
about hospital management source code
sir iam doing my project in hospital management .. frontend was VisualBasic and back end was Microsoft Access....i need a source code for this project can u plz send it to me so tht it wil be too helpful for me ....i have 2 submit my project within 10 days could u plz help me .... modules were patient registration,doctor registration,room allocation, it to my mail id ([email protected])
plsss help me my project..
I want any documentation about this project on hotel reservation system and billing system. this is my thesis project hope that you can give or share the your documentation. my email is [email protected].
hotel reservation system in vb6...
hai sir im from mis.or..want to have a complete tutorila in hotel reservation system in vb6...and also in basketball scoreboard w/c displays the score ,time remaing,reset time,shotclock, nd pausee time for timeout...tnx sir..i realy learn a lot in this site...i keep on downloading those sample progrms posted and test them it really works...galing nyio sir...
hai sir..i just want to know
hai sir..i just want to know what are the process to be done in hotel rservation?
i am just a beginner..
please help me sir...
thanh you!
how 2 create project
hello sir,
topic : hotel management
i'm fresher nd i want to create pages nd how to create table nd attached with sql server.
so can u help me.
[email protected]
need manual in PDF
it would be great if you also put a pdf format of manual for easy downloads
hello sir
urgently,i want hotel management project in .net as a front end and its documentation.. if u have one pls send it to me to the mail
id:[email protected]
help me
I need translate your code to spanish, i translate the forms but i cant the main menu and submenus i cant do it, i dont know where are the tags, my emails is [email protected], help me pls
need of the codings for this software
hello sir,
i urgently need a Java source code Project for Hotel Management System with complete Database Design
I hope you will consider my humble request n please send the source code at my id
my id:[email protected]
It would be very kind of you if you would send the code as soon as possible.
Thanking you,
Your's sincerely,
praveen kumar yadav.
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