Very Basic Java Game programming - Part 1


I don’t know how exactly to start or make an introduction for this post. I just made in to the concept of designing a simple fighting game tutorial - from doing the character animation to its overall functionality. This tutorial is intended for beginners who really enjoy experimenting with JAVA. No, I’m not an expert game programmer. I can’t promise to owe you a good working game engine. But this tutorial will surely give you the basic ideas on how to implement a simple game in JAVA. Please bear in mind that there are couple ways of doing this, my approach is not a standard design pattern for game programming. Before you start jiving with this tutorial, I am making assumption that you are already aware about creating basic JAVA GUI Applications. This tutorial will cover on how to animate a character (not to mention loading and displaying the image). In this part you will learn how to use Swing components such as “JFrame”, “JPanel”, “JLabel” and “ImageIcon”. Visit: Freetorials Blog Thank you

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Submitted bykramboy (not verified)on Tue, 02/25/2014 - 15:16

ok siya for beginners, madali lang yun code
Submitted bylinux101 (not verified)on Sat, 10/22/2016 - 10:33

pahingi po ng JAVA eclipse link po ung premiu na ddl po ako salamat
Submitted bymjcabalaron Fri, 11/04/2016 - 11:45

In reply to by linux101 (not verified)

download link for eclipse:

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