Android Quiz Demo Apps

Operating System
A demo apps on how to create a multiple choice type of questions, using radio buttons. Enable and disable buttons. For technical support: [email protected]/+639328493092 Thanks!

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where is the full source code can you send it to [email protected]?

plz send me full source code..........

Dear Permalink Please help me to get the SQL Connection string fro Basic4Android. Thanks in advance.

hello how to import your project is a download in eclipse? thank you

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

me also is wondering.. how to import/open in eclipse..or somewhere else?? thanks!

This sample apps was written using B4A (Basic4Android) IDE.Please join on my Facebook page Basic4Android Pilipinas for more info..about this IDE.Thanks!

hey can u send me the source code here my email [email protected] thank you so much :D

Please download the zip files.This android apps was written using the BASIC4ANDROID IDE.Please research on this IDE. Thanks!

please send the source code i wanna to see coding so please mail me [email protected]

Hi i am also making the quiz test app in my school course project can you send me the source code of this quiz app because it give help to make my project [email protected] this is my id. thanks

Hi, I´m a 50 year old teacher from Germany! I developed a quiz for iPhone and iPad for our pupils to learn for their exam (electronic). Now I want to develop the same App for Android. It would be helpful for me to have a look to the sourcecode of your Android-app. Olaf Igla

Hi, Can you please send me the source code for this apps to [email protected] - Thanks

Can you please send me the source code [email protected] also i can use the code in eclips correct?

Please send me the source code to [email protected] Thank you

This is a nice tutorial. I am working on something similar but involves getting the questions and the answers from MySQL database. Please can I have your source code for this tutorial to study some aspects of it for my own project. Thanks. My email address is [email protected]

can u plz send me full source could which can opened in eclipse

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