Change MySQL Table Collation


In my previous post, I explained on how to Convert MyISAM to InnoDB. This time I’ll show you on how to change the collation of MySQL database tables. BTW, collation controls the way string values are sorted.

This code is useful if the table collation varied from each other. Example one table has utf8_general_ci collation, while the other has utf8_unicode_ci. It’s a best practice if there is uniformity with the table collation to avoid conflict in your data.

Some of the codes in this article are taken from the internet. I just revised some of it so you will benefit from this code.

Be sure to change the following code attached here to fit your needs.

  1. $username = "root";
  2. $password = "";
  3. $db = "database";
  4. $host = "localhost";
  6. $target_charset = "utf8";
  7. $target_collate = "utf8_general_ci";

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