Checkin and Reservation System


Hello guy'z, this is a simple checkin and reservation system that i created last month..
    This system is not yet done but you can absorve a lot of knowledge on it.
    Good for those students who take thesis relevant to this..
        Enjoy it guy'z and Happy Coding...

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can you give me what is the password of your data base?. i like your sytem

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

ahm there's no password in database...hmm tnx..

i just wanna ask if u have a source code for payroll system..tnx..hope u can help me.. have a nice day

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Ahm sori maam, i have no source code for payroll system...

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

hi i have a payroll system..if ur interested just e mail me @ or contact me @ 09197318410. . .tnx

Very nice work. Good luck to you and to your project co-worker -=== cool ===-

Hi am just an upcoming programmer, checked one of your programs and really liked it. Weldone please hw do i add Cloud Toolkit N6.Cloud Desktop Button in visual basic just as what you did in the ATM software thanks a lot my email id is

realy fantastic email

sir help po i need a THESIS title having a DEVICE PLEASE HELP ME..THANK YOU

hi can u make a customize payroll system for us? how much? pls email me at

hi there this project is awesomeeeeee.........plz can you send me the report of this project at urgent....i will be thankful of you............

Hi, the system is cool. Whats the admin password to enter, and the rest too: email me bogz @ hot

Look for the database of this system. Then select the table for the user, the password is there.

Sir How will i know were the password is?

dude , this real shit . million thanks for the code you have . Brilliant man . Cheers

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