
Computerized Voting System in Java with MS Access and Jasper Reports

This System composed of 4 modules 1. SERVER 2. CLIENT 3. VERIFIER 4. LIVE VIEW OF SCORE It is uses individual computer for SERVER, VERIFIER,LIVE VIEW OF SCORE and several computers for CLIENT.. SERVER - all 3 modules are connected in this server the client can be installed in several computers and once the students verified they can set in the client computers and make their selection of

How to use Counter Controlled While Loop

The following Java program uses Counter Controlled While Loops. Suppose you know exactly how many times certain statements need to be executed. In such cases, while loops assumes the form of a counter-controlled while loops. Suppose that a set of statements need to be executed N times. You can set up a counter to track how many items have been read. .

Writing Output to a Text File in Java

Many times it is important to write output to a file to be saved. This is commonplace in just about every kind of Java application - from business to games. It allows the users information/status/progress to be saved or recorded for future reference. In order for this to work, the simplest solution is to create a file in the same folder as the Java program. For this example, we are going to create an output file called output.txt.