Visual Basic .NET

Paging DataGridView in Windows Forms Applications

The source code included in the zip file allows you to page DataGridView control in Windows Forms application. I just found the code in the internet and modify some few lines to fix some bugs on navigation an empty table. Additionally, I added a search box to search common fields like CompanyName, ContactTitle, etc. The code is written in VB.NET, but you can convert it easily using this tool

Adding Rows to Data-Bound DataGridView

If you are using a Data-Bound DataGridView control, you cannot just simply add new row by using the cell property of the control. A DataGridView that is bound using a DataSet can be access only using the DataSet properties. Forcing it to use the cell property can cause an error "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound." Adding new

How to Capture Enter Key or Return Key as Tab in Windows Form

By default VB.NET and C# does not listen on the enter key or return key when you press your keyboard. Those it will not move your cursor to the next control like text box. Instead a tab key is used to navigate to other control in your windows form. A simple ProcessCmdKey Overrides function is necessary to capture this event. Allowing you to use the Tab key as the enter/return key equivalent. Here


The system will cover Sweat N’ Shape Gym customer’s personal information, including what item they bought inside the gym, what time they arrived and the time they went out. The system analyst will use a separate data base on every transaction of the customer at the gym, it is also use to input, edit, update and print all records of the customer anytime the owner need a hard copy of the customer’s

Run Editor

This is A Tool Which Help Us To Add Our Own Run_command.... Features:- 1.Add Your Command After Checking... 2.View Available Commands In List and Also With Full path.. 3.Easily Search or Delete Existing Command.... 4.or Clear the Run Command History... If You Run this Code in Windows 7 Base Pc then Please run this as a Admin.

Solution to “System.Data.InvalidConstraintException: ForeignKeyConstraint” error

If you encounter the following error: System.Data.InvalidConstraintException: ForeignKeyConstraint FK_foreign_key_name requires the child key values (-1) to exist in the parent table. Or The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_foreign_key_name ". The conflict occurred in database "YourDatabase", table "dbo.Tablename", column 'YourPrimaryKey'. The statement has been terminated. Probably you are using a Parent-Child table or Master-Detail table.