jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 Final Release Announced

According to the official blog of jQuery, the Mobile 1.2.0 is now available which brings more updates. It has a new popup widget, an autodivider and a collapsible option for listviews, plus more than 100 enhancements and fixes throughout the library. Todd Parker who wrote for the jQuery Mobile blog stated that the idea with popups is to create a flexible element that makes it easy to place any content or widget in an overlay that floats above the current page. The current jQuery Mobile widgets such as listviews, and toolbars were built with assumption that they live inside a page container for theme inheritance and enhancement to work. This is the main reasons why developers may want to re-use pop-ups across pages by placing them outside the page container. The latest release of jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 will work seamlessly with jQuery Mobile's listview filter extension and are added and removed to stay in sync with the current set of filtered items. Listview will have other enhancement such as the the collapsible lists that reveal a nested listview when a row is tapped. For more information regarding the additional enhancements of jQuery Mobile 1.2.0, including the change log and downloads just visit the official blog site of jQuery.

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