Student Record Management System Using VB.NET 2012 & MS Access 2010

This is a simple VB.NET application for educational purposes only. It uses Visual Basic.Net and MS Access 2010 for the database. I hope it will be a future references for those who are interested in studying basic programmin with the use of simple programming language. DATABASE PASSWORD: paranoid

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Sir your program is really useful but not work properly, in this program using database is corrupted not open database in ms access 2007

I created the program. Use MS ACCESS 2010 and VISUAL STUDIO 2012. It is working. I've tested it many times. Maybe you are lacking some of the plugins: Install the following: DotNet Framework 4.5 and MS Access Databse Engine 32bit it will work.

plz send the code for project . my email add .. [email protected]

pls sir can you send me the project write up ( report)

With sqladapter .SelectCommand = sqlcommand .Fill(table) .fill table line gives error how to resolve it?

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